Click Here for Starter Courses for Beginners



We have new starter courses starting every 5 weeks. 
Starter Courses A is in GREEN // Starter Courses B in PURPLE



Beginner Level

Prerequisites: Open to everyone, regardless of dance background.

Ideal for newcomers and those just stepping into Latin dance, our Beginner courses are expertly crafted over 25 years to provide an authentic introduction to this vibrant dance world. No prior experience? No problem – everyone is welcome here!


Basic Foundation Level

  Prerequisites: Requires some prior experience in partnered or social dancing.

Designed for individuals who have either completed our Beginner Tier or have a basic understanding of Latin partner dancing. The Basic Foundation Tier courses offer a diverse exploration of key Latin dance styles, laying the groundwork for essential skills in leading, following, and social dance techniques.


Intermediate Level

 Prerequisites: Completion of Basic Foundation Tier (20 weeks) or a minimum of 6 months in partnered dance experience. 

At this stage, you've established a firm foundation in Latin partner dancing basics. The Intermediate Tier focuses on critical movements and delves deeper into specific dance styles, concentrating on technique, floor craft, and nuanced leading and following abilities.


Upper Intermediate Level

Prerequisites: Completion of Intermediate Tier (30 weeks) or at least 12 months of partnered dance experience.

Now adept at leading and following various movements and turns in Latin partner dancing, you're prepared to engage in a more intricate 'dialogue' of dance. This tier hones your skills further, introducing more complex footwork and movements, and emphasizing authentic style adaptation for quicker, more dynamic music.


Advanced Level

Prerequisites: Completion of Upper Intermediate Tier (30 weeks) or over 18 months of partnered dance experience.

With extensive experience in Latin partner dancing and a natural fluency on the dance floor, the Advanced Tier is your gateway to an evolving dance journey. Here, you'll deepen your skills in both traditional and modern style elements, engaging with the latest trends and expressions in Latin dance. This continuous level offers an evergreen learning experience, perfect for ongoing development.